Life of Death

     "Beginning of the Life 
                      is also beginning for 
                                                the Death."                 
   Life is a journey for the Death. How you live your life is in our hands. If we live happily,we will accept death happily. But if life is to be lived sadly,even death will seem like bitter poison.

                   "Life is gift from God"

   Death does not come deliberately, it comes suddenly and also did not wait for anyone. Death does not come to the poor than to the rich, it is the same for all. 
   The cycle of life is tied to your Karma. Lord Shree Krishna has also said in the Gita that "Death of the born is certain and the birth of the dead is certain. " Death has come to God too. Shree Krishna and Shree Ram were also sure to die. 
    Life is fulfil with problems. There is also happiness from the solution of the same problem. A rich man cannot escape death. He should not trust his money because money cannot buy health and neither can death.
    All things are made to perish. A flower may bloom beautifully for two or three days but with time it fades and perishes. Similarly, the outer beauty of a man is Also temporary. The sun's rays first rise as life and are fulfilled as death. Sun is also subject to life-like death. A beautiful young queen also dies. death does not see her beauty, her age and also her position.

    Death is the same for all. Even an army of soldiers cannot fight with fortune. Fortune is strongest than an army. The earth keeps its doors open forever for life and death. Death does not even look at how much education one has received and not how much. We are here on earth to play a role like sister, daughter, student, senior and junior etc. Life is ful of uncertainties and Death is inavitable. 

   Life is meaningless because the end of life is death. So, one should not fight or quarrel while living life. Life should be lived peacefully, lovingly and happily. Then this life will not be found again quickly.
                The Journey of birth to death

 "Death is not the opposite of life,
                                          but a part of it."


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